Chromebook odt files
Chromebook odt files

ThisviewerletsyouviewOpenDocumentFormatfileswithoutleavingyourbrowser.Viewodt,odp,ods,doc,xls,ppt..andmore.,Trycopyingthe.odt(etc)filestoafolderonChromeBookusingafilemanagerprogram,ratherthantryingtoedittheminplaceonthehard ...,Youcanimportthemin...

Chromebooks and .odt files

YoucanimportthemintoGoogleDriveandeditthemwithGoogleDocs.OneofthebeautiesoftheOpenDocumentFormat.A ...

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ODT, ODP, ODS Viewer - Chrome Web Store

This viewer lets you view Open Document Format files without leaving your browser. View odt, odp, ods, doc, xls, ppt.. and more.

Open odt files from external harddrive on Chrome

Try copying the .odt (etc) files to a folder on ChromeBook using a file manager program, rather than trying to edit them in place on the hard ...

Chromebooks and .odt files

You can import them into Google Drive and edit them with Google Docs. One of the beauties of the Open Document Format. A ...

OpenDocument Reader - view ODT

評分 4.4 (61,092) · 免費 · Android The file reader & document editor allows you to open files like ODF (Open Document Format) documents created using LibreOffice or OpenOffice wherever you are.

OpenDocument Reader - view ODT

評分 4.4 (61,063) · 免費 · Android The file reader & document editor allows you to open files like ODF (Open Document Format) documents created using LibreOffice or OpenOffice wherever you are.

How do I open an ODT document from a thumbdrive on my new ...

Upload the file to your Drive online folders. Once there, I think Google Docs should be able to open it without any other apps or extensions.

All my files are .odt from Libreoffice, can't use ...

Use Jim's suggestion. It converts the three major ODF document types, .odt, .ods, and .odp. Note that your Google Docs settings MUST enable Convert uploads.

Opening .odt file with Google Docs android app - chromeos

I have received an email (Gmail) with a .odt file. I've opened this email with the Gmail Android app and when I open the .odt file, it opens with Google Docs ( ...

Open office docs in chrome OS : rchromeos

They used open office on the windows pc. How can they open their open office documents on the new chrome book?


ThisviewerletsyouviewOpenDocumentFormatfileswithoutleavingyourbrowser.Viewodt,odp,ods,doc,xls,ppt..andmore.,Trycopyingthe.odt(etc)filestoafolderonChromeBookusingafilemanagerprogram,ratherthantryingtoedittheminplaceonthehard ...,YoucanimportthemintoGoogleDriveandeditthemwithGoogleDocs.OneofthebeautiesoftheOpenDocumentFormat.A ...,評分4.4(61,092)·免費·AndroidThefilereader&documenteditorallow...